Launched of Diploma in Public Prosecution Program and Curriculum on Prosecutor’s Guide to Children in the Criminal Justice System

Launched of Diploma in Public Prosecution Program and Curriculum on Prosecutor’s Guide to Children in the Criminal Justice System

The Chief Administrative Secretary , National Treasury and Planning , Hon Eric Simiyu Wafukho today represented CS Amb. Yatani at a special function hosted by the Office of Public Prosecution in Loresho Campus during which the ODPP launched a Diploma in Public Prosecution Program and a curriculum on Prosecutor’s Guide to children in the criminal justice system.

Wafukho congratulated the ODPP leadership for great strides made in ensuring that the criminal justice management system becomes more professionalized , empowered and facilitated to contribute to efficient , predictable, fair and impartial judicial processes.

CAS was received by DPP.Noordin Haji and SPP-SC Dorcas Oduor. Among other dignitaries who attended included ; Hon .Justice Smokin Wanjala SCJ ,Mr Twalib Mbarak EACC CEO, Mr Nelson Havi,LSK President and Ms Sylvie Bertrand UNODC Deputy Regional Representative.

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