Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi leads MTP IV dissemination at Isiolo county

Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi leads MTP IV dissemination at Isiolo county

Agriculture contains over 50% of the value chains being targeted by the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda, which has broadly been covered by the Fourth Medium Term Plan (2023-2027) – MTP IV.
Under MTP IV, the government aims to boost production through a value chain approach, focusing on sectors such as leather and leather products, textiles & apparel, dairy, tea, rice, edible oils, blue economy, minerals, forestry, and construction and building materials, among others.
Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, alongside the Principal Secretary for Petroleum Mohammed Liban and the Isiolo Deputy Governor, Dr. James Lowasa meticulously explained the contents of MTP IV to stakeholdersĀ  on 3rdĀ  June 2024 in Isiolo County.
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