CS Hon. CPA John Mbadi Meets the North Eastern Parliamentary Group

CS Hon. CPA John Mbadi Meets the North Eastern Parliamentary Group

The National Treasury and Economic Planning Cabinet Secretary Hon. CPA John Mbadi on 12th November, 2024 held a consultative meeting with the North Eastern Parliamentary Group at the National Treasury Boardroom. The Parliamentary group comprises three counties: Mandera, Wajir and Garissa County.
The meeting’s main agenda was about the Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) programmes and projects being implemented in the North Eastern Region. The National Treasury and Economic Planning highlighted key programmes, projects and policies being undertaken in the region to ensure sustainable development of the region. One of the policies that has greatly benefitted the region is the Marginalization policy which is used to fund the projects using the Equalization Fund.
The key projects being implemented in the Wajir, Mandera and Garissa counties during the implementation period of MTP IV (2023-2027) are: Construction of 220 affordable Housing Units in Wajir township; Construction of Isiolo-Modogashe-Wajir-Rhamu-mandera road; Construction of Garsen-Hola-Bura-Garissa power transmission line; construction of 3000 water pans to supply 298,282,500 cubic metres of water in ASALs under climate financing among others.
During the meeting, the National Treasury Cabinet Secretary noted the programmes and projects being implemented in the region are funded by both the Government and Development partners. Some of the Donor funded projects within the North Eastern region include: North and North Eastern Development Initiative (NEDI) funded by World Bank; Drought Resilience in Horn of Africa funded by Government of Germany; and Tackling Regional Inequality and Inclusion in the Northern Kenya (TRINK) project by World Bank through the Kenya Accountable Devolution Program (KADP) Phase II among others.
During the meeting, the Cabinet Secretary was accompanied by Director General Public Debt Management Office, Raphael Owino, Economic Planning Secretary, Timothy Gakuu, who represented the State Department for Economic Planning Principal Secretary James Muhati and Director Leah Chirchir, Head Sectoral and Intergovernmental Development Planning among others.
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