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Chief Administrative Secretary, National Treasury and Planning, Chief Guest at launch of new partnership between Chevron and Tristar (AFAL)

Chief Administrative Secretary, National Treasury and Planning, Chief Guest at launch of new partnership between Chevron and Tristar (AFAL)

The Chief Administrative Secretary, National Treasury and Planning, Eric Simiyu Wafukho, was a Chief Guest at a Breakfast meeting held at Serena Hotel and aimed at launching a new partnership between Chevron and Tristar (AFAL) in the Caltex lubricants manufacturing in East Africa.

Wafukho thanked Chevron and Tristar and AFAL on behalf of the Government for choosing to invest in Kenya and contributing to the realization of the Big Four Agenda by focusing on manufacturing. The Government intents to raise the share of manufacturing in the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) to 15% by 2022.

Wafukho expressed Government’s commitment to create an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive through requisite technological innovations ,infrastructural development and putting in place fiscal and monetary policies that are investor-friendly and contribute to Kenya becoming a regional and global investment and financial hub.

Other guests who attended the meeting included Ms.Rochna Kaul ,Vice President, Europe, Africa, Middle East,South Asia Sales and Global Marine (EAMESAGM); Sameer Merali, the Chief Executive Officer , Sameer Investments and Abhijit Sarmah, AFAL General Manager.