CS Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management, Moses Kuria leads MTP IV dissemination exercise in Kiambu county

CS Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management, Moses Kuria leads MTP IV dissemination exercise in Kiambu county

CS Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management, Moses Kuria leads MTP IV dissemination exercise in Kiambu county on 3rd  June 2024.


Kenya’s Vision 2030 is being implemented through successive five-year Medium Term Plans. The Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) 2023-2027 is based on the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), which aims at economic turnaround and inclusive growth.The Fourth Medium Term Plan (2023-2027) MTP IV aims at inclusive growth by enhancing infrastructure development and Public Services across Kenya.

Kiambu Governor Dr. Kim ani Wamatangi; PS Public Service, Mr. Amos Gathecha; County Commissioner, Mr. Duncan Muyesu among other leaders were present.





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