Official Launch of the Public Investment Management (PIM) Training Workshop for Heads of Central Planning and Project Monitoring Units and their Deputies at a Naivasha Hotel

Official Launch of the Public Investment Management (PIM) Training Workshop for Heads of Central Planning and Project Monitoring Units and their Deputies at a Naivasha Hotel

Planning Principal Secretary Saitoti Torome today officially launched the Public Investment Management (PIM) training workshop for Heads of Central Planning and Project Monitoring Units and their deputies at a Naivasha Hotel.

Pim is a tool that will facilitate actualization of development plans by translating the priorities captured in the plans into viable projects that deliver tangible products and services on time. Upon execution of the PIM function, there will be more returns on Public investments that will spur our country’s economic growth.

“It is imperative to have clarity of our roles as economic planners and strategize on deploying resources towards this mandate that is being spearheaded by PIM Directorate”, said the PS.

The training will serve as Training of Trainers. It is envisaged that the team being trained will propagate the training to other technical departments and agencies in their institutions.

Saitoti said that the State Department for Planning will support this process through provision of technical support upon request to ensure that there is a critical mass of technical officers in implementing agencies who can execute the PIM agenda and enhance the level of compliance.

Present during the launch were Mr. Joseph Mukui, Economic Planning Advisor and Mr. Elijah Kinaro, Head of PIM among others.


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