Acts & Bills
The National Assembly plays a critical role as a legislative body in approving the laws that govern the legal operations in different sectors of the economy. Lately, the Senate is also recognized as an endorsing body to the acts passed in parliament. The two legislative houses have to consent before an Act is accepted as law or a statute as stipulated in the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
Therefore, it is prudent to state that, an Act is a law passed by both Houses; – the National Assembly, and the Senate. The two legislative arms of government must assent to the statute before it is released for use.
For credibility and easy access, Acts are given a year and number. To achieve the primary legislation aspect, once an Act is formally enacted it can generally only be amended or repealed by another Act.
An act of Parliament passes through a legislative process of the; First Reading; Second Reading; and the Third Reading. The third reading occurs after the bill has been amended by the designated committee.
Presidential Assent;
The granting of Presidential Assent is the formal method by which the Head of the Executive arm of government completes the legislative process by formally assenting or giving his consent to an Act of Parliament.
An Act of Parliament may provide that it will come into effect on a date to be notified. In such cases, the Act has received Presidential Assent, notification of the date of its coming into effect is given through a legal notice usually by the Minister for the time being in charge of the matters with which the Act is concerned.